Sunday, December 20, 2009

BLACK PIPE turns 3-piece

Like in the most usual of cases... Black Pipe has re-arranged themselves and decides to stick it our for now as a three-piece band. I am not exactly that comfortable with the idea that there is no real front man leading the band on stage but I respect their decision and hopefully time will allow them to better judge their situation or totally cope and adapt withe the new set up.

Which ever way, I am here to support them.

At the moment, they are done recording about more than half their material for their demo debut and we've done some live tests on some of their songs which hopefully will attract attention from their regular crowd.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Black Pipe - Nandito Lang Ako

Black Pipe finally visits me in my office and make good on their word that they'll record a song I wrote for them a couple of years back, "nandito lang ako" and it would hopefully be the start of the long overdue album I've been wanting them to have.

I didn't mind that I had to cancel a dental appointment, it was fun engineering for them and seeing the song come together. This is still a work in progress as you can see and I am hoping that the more they play original music, the sooner the band chemistry would come out and figure out the image and genre that's for them.

So below is the actual recording session in my office last Sunday. We patched the three instruments direct to the Fostex X-18 mixer straight to my sound card. For convenience, we decided to use my Yamaha DD65 drum kit. This recording also baptized my new (my wife's birthday gift)Greg Bennett Royale.

Additional tracks were later dubbed, the ad lib part and the other rhythm guitar for a fatter sound. With the Black Pipe down to three, August sings the song and Joey's girlfriend did the backing tracks.

I repeat... it is a work in progress.
